Ask yourself that question again – who you want to be? Brendan Burchard has a technique called a door frame trigger. Everytime you walk through a particular door you say 3 words to yourself that define who you want to be and how you want to interact with people. .
Find your words, then find your doors!
I’ve been finding that I want a trigger at 2 different doors. One is at my office door and the other is at my home door. You could have this trigger for multiple places. But I would advise you to keep it simple. For me two is plenty.
What I do is set a a reminder to go off at a location. I even set them to pop up during the day. By dividing it up between home and work I can keep the reminder system streamlined and not to complicated.
I’m using the iOS reminders since they sync between my devices and I can use Siri on the go with them.
After some reflection I decided on my words. Don’t gloss over this step, it’s important. Think about yourself and the people that surround you. What do you want to portray to them? If they were put on the spot to give you positive feedback what would you want them to say about you.
Here’s my work trigger:
- Focused
- Insightful
- Inspirational
Here’s my home triggers:
- Caring
- Fun Loving
- Present
Try to keep it to 3 words. More than that and it will get too complicated for your brain to process. I thought about these words and choose them to reflect what I want the world to see me as.
Here’s some other trigger words:
- Engaged
- Enthusiastic
- Energized
- Empathetic
- Decisive
- Motivational
- Calm
- Charismatic
- Confident
Need more suggestions for personality traits? Click here
These are small steps that can help to improve yourself. Do you want to read more about this click here. Contact me on Twitter if you want to talk about this.