Do you have lots of tips on productivity and personal development that you’ve collected along the way? Boy, I do. I read several blogs every day, plus what I read on my kindle app and all the mailing lists I subscribed too.
This is such a fantastic time, there’s a wealth of great information out there ready for you to absorb.
But there is a problem how can you absorb all this great info? David Allen points out your mind can only hold 6-8 things at one time add one more things something will get bumped out. So what can you do? You have lots of great stuff that can really help you. But once they get filed away don’t let that be the last time you see it.
Let Evernote help you.
Here’s the breakdown:
Tools: These are the tools I use to gather the information.
- Evernote Web Clipper – This is a great way to collect information!
- Email – If I find something in my inbox I just email it to Evernote.
- Pocket – It’s easy to send stuff from Pocket to Evernote.
- Feedly– I read all my RSS’s feeds through this program. I can send articles directly to Evernote.
Execution: Once in Evernote this is how I set it up.
- Tag – I have @personal development tag that I use to tag anything that I want to follow up on at a later date.
- Reminder – Set reminders in Evernote to go off in a few weeks. This will prompt you to read it again. If it’s really good set another reminder. Also if you going to see a speaker that you’ve seen before set a reminder on your notes from last time a week before the event.
- Schedule Time – What gets schedule get done! Only you can tell yourself what’s important.
When you boil this down it’s really a simple 2 step process.
- Step 1: Get it into Evernote.
- Step 2: Use the Evernote features to help build your personal productivity and development habits.
This is all about building habits for reviewing your materials. Do it over and over and soon this will become ingrained in your system and you won’t need a reminder to review it again.
Have some thought on this? Let me know on Twitter.