How to capture meeting notes with ease.

When someone asks you to a meeting – show up and be prepared! The number one way to show someone that you are ready for action it to have a notepad and pen ready to go.

meeting notes 1

Having the right tools at hand will help you to take great meeting notes.  

Capture more great ideas with the David Allen NoteTaker Wallet.

One of the first steps to being productive is to capture your thoughts. A smartphone makes an awesome capture device. But sometimes you are on your phone and you can’t you use it to capture your thoughts. A small notebook is a good solutions but I’ve found that I don’t’ always carry it around with me.

Here’s another option the David Allen NoteTaker Wallet. I always carry my wallet and this wallet has a unique feature, a pad and a pen.

david allen note taker wallet


With this wallet you are never without a pen or a piece of paper. 

Have a great idea? Capture It!

It’s happened to all of us, a great idea gets lost because it’s not captured. As David Allen has said “Your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them”. If you have an iPhone then I have an app for you.

Squarespace – Note

Tnotehis is a simple, easy to use app to capture your thoughts.

It lives in the lower righthand of the bottom tray on my iPhone. I can easily access it from any screen. This is by design since ease of use will make you use it.

Here’s why I like it:
* It opens to a blank screen with only the keyboard visible.
* You send with a swipe.
* You can choose various places to send your note.
* There is also record of what you sent.