Search Results for: capture
Capture more great ideas with the David Allen NoteTaker Wallet.
One of the first steps to being productive is to capture your thoughts. A smartphone makes an awesome capture device. But sometimes you are on your phone and you can’t you use it to capture your thoughts. A small notebook is a good solutions but I’ve found that I don’t’ always carry it around with me.
Here’s another option the David Allen NoteTaker Wallet. I always carry my wallet and this wallet has a unique feature, a pad and a pen.
With this wallet you are never without a pen or a piece of paper.
Have a great idea? Capture It!
It’s happened to all of us, a great idea gets lost because it’s not captured. As David Allen has said “Your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them”. If you have an iPhone then I have an app for you.
Squarespace – Note
This is a simple, easy to use app to capture your thoughts.
It lives in the lower righthand of the bottom tray on my iPhone. I can easily access it from any screen. This is by design since ease of use will make you use it.
Here’s why I like it:
* It opens to a blank screen with only the keyboard visible.
* You send with a swipe.
* You can choose various places to send your note.
* There is also record of what you sent.